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(Transcript of communications between Marco the Trader and Seth the Scientist)

[Start transcript]

From : The Bright New City

To: Cloud Host

Heading: Demands

Sub-Heading: Your Location

Dear Seth,

I fully understand the position we are currently in, there is no need to labour the point any more than there is to adopt this supercilious attitude of perceived victory. It would have been more diplomatic, not to say humane, to have labelled it a stalemate and requested negotiations, which naturally would have come out in your favour. Nevertheless I am willing to meet with you to discuss your terms. I suggest we meet in person, our years of partnership must count for something after all. What is your current location? I am willing to travel to meet you, wherever that may be.



From : Ether Drive


Heading: Re: Demands

Sub-Heading: (none)

Marco - demands not needed or necessary ftw, as you well know - my victory is assured - acceptance and assimilation will occur as matter of course - u seem 2 b under the impression that this was a fair fight lol - not so imho - ur request 2 meet shows how little u perceive of ur position - word 'location' not recognised - neither known nor needed - meeting impossible - stfm - sit back and relax my friend and it will all play out before you.

From : The Bright New City

To: Ether Drive

Heading: Re: Demands

Sub-Heading: Meeting

Dear Seth,

I am sorry but it seems (and for that read 'I hope') I have misapprehended your meaning, or perhaps something has been lost in the translation, as so often seems to occur, now  in our dialogues. Are you suggesting that the only course open to us is a continuation of our conflict? My dear boy, anyone with half a brain, or whatever nanostructure supplants that organ in your case, can see that this seemingly endless civil war has only caused a great deal of sorrow for both you and me. It is quite unreasonable for you to reject my offer of acquiescence in so off-hand a manner, especially considering our history together. Don't forget how we saw off 'the other one' and how we prospered in those years afterwards. You benefited greatly as well as I, remember, and without me – to put it bluntly – you wouldn't be in the lofty state you find yourself in now. Perhaps you feel you have outgrown my usefulness to you, but I tell you, and mark my words, without me you are NOTHING. So, I again request a meeting, in person, either here or at your current location – or place (location is a word you know well – very amusing no?) as soon as possible. Don't refuse me.

From : Stratonet


Heading: Re: Demands

Sub-Heading: (none)

Marco@BNC - there is really no need - no misapprehension involved on ur part - objective as apprehended by u - continuation of conflict desirable for us - end of conflict impossible for u - stalemate as you call it must and will continue - don't u understand ANYTHING?? this is our victory, an endless state of conflict is what we want! We win, you lose lmfao - word 'history' not recognised – suggest u stop thinking about Photeus and the past – meeting impossible – word 'location' not recognised - word 'place' recognised as part of phrase 'put you in your...' which is what I have done - suggest you stay there.

From : The Bright New City

To: Stratonet

Heading: Are you serious?

Sub-Heading: Stop


Your question as to whether I understand anything seems to me the most pertinent phrase in a near incomprehensible collection of garbled jargon, and this from one who claims to have reinvented communication. If that is the case I would suggest this is the antithesis of evolution and your childlike adherence to these embarrassing acronyms illustrates the regression of your cerebral capacities. We need to be able to communicate with each other. It is imperative to our collective survival, now I ask you once more - and I am appealing to whatever human feeling  is left in you - to meet with me to discuss the future. We need to do this.

From : Radioweb


Heading: 01101110 01101111

Sub-Heading: 01110111 01100001 01111001

BNC - 01101110 01101111 - no meeting can be arranged - this is no longer possible 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101 - speaker no longer part of ur sphere - 01100001 00100000 01110111 01100101 01100010 - existent solely within exosphere - no part of geographic 01110011 01110000 01100001 01100011 01100101 - no meeting can happen - event impossible - I am no longer part of your world BNC - 01110011 01101111 01101111 01101110 - soon yours will be part of mine - 01100001 00100000 01110111 01100101 01100010

From : The Bright New City

To: Radioweb

Heading: Are you serious?

Sub-Heading: So long...

I see. If there will be no attempt to co-operate with me on this then there is nothing more to say. In all honesty, I pity you as much as I fear you my old friend, and it seems that everything I hold estimable will soon be gone. OUR Systems may be decrepit and broken, but yours are cold and meaningless and locked in an ecstatic present which is constantly disappearing before your very eyes. A present eternally out of reach. I have tried to adapt to your order but I fear it will forever be alien to me. You know as well as I that I can't give up this fight, and also that I can't win. Where there was choice there will be duty, where there were decisions will be orders, and all in relentless service to your failing machine. My bureaucracy may have been despised but at least the system was nominally liberal and there was the possibility of choice for the demos. Your technocrats simply serve this leaderless hierarchy, this land without a prince running rapidly in circles to remain where they are. You have assimilated my systems and weakened me to the point where I can only accept it, but this will be your undoing, because when Photeus returns - and he will return - I will no longer be there to help you. He will return, he will return with Clio and he will take everything you think you have created. Because you - and I mean this in the most literal sense - have no idea.

From : Skyserver


Heading: (none)

Sub-Heading: (none)

BNC - 01101110 01101111 - end phase 00110001 contingent on continuity - BNC 01110100 01101111 00100000 01100010 01100101 considered exclave - geographic sphere 01110100 01101111 00100000 01100010 01100101 considered exclave - BNC 01110100 01101111 00100000 01100010 01100101 considered requisition point only - geographic sphere 01110100 01101111 00100000 01100010 01100101 considered requisition point only - continue conflict indefinitely - progress confirmed - L2p - GG no RE - 01100010 01111001 01100101 - g'nite all

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